About Us

Department of Physics

From: 2022-03-05


The Department of Physics was established in 1960 and now is home to over 60 staff members including one academician and 17 professors.



360 Undergraduates

90 Postgraduates

50 Ph.D. Candidates



BSc programs:

Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering

Applied Physics

MSc Programs:


Optical Engineering

Electronic Information

Ph.D. Programs:


Optical Engineering

Electronic Information


Research Fields:

Laser and Optoelectronic Measurement Technology

Optical Telecommunications and Optical Signal Processing

Optical Physics

Laser Technology

Condensed Matter Physics

Theoretical Physics


Research Collaborators:

Tsinghua University

Beijing Normal University

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

University of Science & Technology Beijing

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Arizona State University (U.S.A.)

University of Waterloo (Canada)

McMaster University (Canada)

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)



The academician Dr. Yao Jianquan chairs in the Laser Institute

Host the National Centre of Basic Course Teaching in Engineering Program

Host the National Demonstration Center for Experimental Physics Education

Host the Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information, MOE