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College of Life Sciences and Bio-engineering

From: 2022-03-05


College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering of Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) was founded in September 2008; it was developed on the basis of the Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, established in July 2003 headed by Dr. Hong Tao, member of Chinese academy of Engineering (CAE), chief expert on Molecular Virology and Biomedical Ultrastructure. The present college is headed by the president Dr. Chen Zhinan of this college, member of CAE, chief expert on Cellular Biology and Biopharmacy, Dr. Hong Tao is nominated as the Honorary President and Dr. He Jinsheng, expert on Immunology and Virology, as the Deputy President. The college possesses a strong working team, two academicians, one chair professor, five full professors, fourteen associate professors and two technicians.



42 master students



Masters’ Program: Biology (covering Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Genetics, Cell Biology and Microbiology etc.)


Research Fields:

The research fields include: the development of novel vaccines against respiratroy syncytial virus, SARS-CoV-2, etc., and oncolytic adenoviruses; the molecular mechanism for and tumor microenvironment related to the oncogenesis; the dynamics and biological significance of Ab42, tau and phos-tau proteins in serum and cerebrospinal fluid for Alzheimers Disease (AD), as well as functional biomaterials.


Research Collaborators:

Institute of Virology, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

School of Medicine, Tsinghua University

Basic Medical Science Academy, Air Force Medical University

Beijing Zhifei lvzhu Biopharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

Shandong Xinchuang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.