
Beijing Jiaotong University Held the Inaugural Meeting of the School of Physical Science and Engineering

From: 2022-03-22

Beijing Jiaotong University Held the Inaugural Meeting of the School of Physical Science and Engineering


In the morning of March 3rd, 2022, the inaugural meeting of the School of Physical Science and Engineering (SPSE) was successfully held in the Science Hall. Secretary of BJTU Party Committee, HUANG Taiyan, President of BJTU, WANG Jiaqiong, Vice President, ZHAO Peng, Member of the Standing Committee of BJTU Party Committee, SHI Zhenjun, also the Minister of Organization Department and Minister of United Front Work Department, attended the meeting. Vice President, ZHAO Peng, presided over the meeting.


Secretary of BJTU Party Committee, HUANG Taiyan, and President of BJTU, WANG Jiaqiong, jointly unveiled the plaque for the establishment of School of Physical Science and Engineering.


On behalf of BJTU Party Committee and Administration Departments, HUANG Taiyan expressed warm congratulations to the teachers and students of the School of Physical Science and Engineering, and sincere appreciations to the experts who have always cared about and supported the development and construction of basic disciplines and applied basic disciplines of BJTU. He pointed out that BJTU has always valued construction and development of basic disciplines and applied basic disciplines, and gained outstanding achievements in talent cultivation, discipline construction and scientific research. The official establishment of the School of Physical Science and Engineering will be a milestone of the further construction of basic disciplines and applied basic disciplines of BJTU.

HUANG Taiyan emphasized that this layout adjustment of SPSE establishment was an important method that BJTU has taken, not only to vigorously support the development of basic disciplines and applied basic disciplines and strengthen the construction of basic academic organizations during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, but also to follow the historic trend of upgrading and transforming traditional advantageous disciplines and developing new cutting-edge inter-disciplines. He also stated that this layout adjustment not only catered for the development of the country, but also complied with the nature of running a university and met the actual situation of the university.


HUANG put forward three hopes for the School of Physical Science and Engineering. First, clear positioning and scientific planning the direction of development. The school should always firm the correct direction of education and adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating talents. Second, highlighting the characteristics and constantly upgrading the quality connotation. SPSE should constantly strengthen the construction of basic courses, and make continuous contributions to improving the quality of cultivating talents of the whole university. Third, strengthening management and stimulating the vitality of the school. The leadership of SPSE should take the establishment of the new school as an opportunity to strengthen the leadership of party construction and ensure the harmony and stability of the school.


The Secretary of the School of Physical Science and Engineering, DING Pengyu, promised that the Party Committee of SPSE would constantly keep a high consistency with BJTU Party Committee and resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements. And SPSE will set the advanced school-running philosophy of other physics colleges around China as example, learn from good practices and fine work styles from other schools of BJTU, and actively serve the overall development of BJTU and teachers and students of SPSE. Meanwhile, based on the characteristics of diversity, SPSE will unite the strengths of various departments and institutes to work together and contribute to BJTU scientific research, talent cultivation and etc., especially the construction of basic disciplines and inter-disciplines.


Dean of the School of Physical Science and Engineering, TANG Aiwei, said in his speech that he would serve the School of Physical Science and Engineering wholeheartedly with the spirit of “success is not for me” but the sense of undertaking of “I am for the success”. On behalf of the leading team of SPSE, he declared the following four aspects. The first is diligence in learning. He will constantly improve his ability to analyze and solve problems, especially by learning the achievements of the Party theoretical innovations. The second is endeavor. He will keep in mind the mission, be realistic and pragmatic and plan the event for the School. The third is unity. He will unite members of the leading team, all the teachers and students of SPSE, other schools and departments and offices of BJTU. The fourth is honesty. He would adhere to uprightness and honesty so as to reassure the organization and satisfy teachers and students.


Directors from relevant functional departments, representatives of faculty and stuff of SPSE, representatives of retired faculty members, and student representatives attended the meeting. Teachers of SPSE indicated that they would continue to educate students for the party, cultivate talents for the country, forge ahead and write a new chapter for the school.